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Senior cyclists should know that if you run hundreds of kilometers outside in a day, the mudguard is useless. The role of the mudguard is limited to the urban area. It slowly walks on the flat and clean road at a speed of more than ten kilometers per hour, and the muddy water carried by the wheels is also weak.Weak, thrown obediently on the fender without splashing on the bike body or human body. But if you participate in formal cycling activity, nature will be completely different:1. The cycling speed is faster than commuting riding, the slowest speed is also more than 15 kilometers per hour, and the average speed is about 20 kilometers per hour. The number and speed of dust and mud splashing have greatly increased. The shielding effectiveness of the mudguard will be reduced as a result. If you are in the city, the mudguard can cover block 90% of the splashes, but it may only be 60% in fast cycling conditions.2. The cycling time is very long, 5-10 times longer than the daily commuting riding time. The accumulated amount of dust, mud, and water has increased significantly. The daily commute cycling time is relatively low. Assuming that the splash accumulation per hour of cycling in the urban area is 1, then combined with the upper line, the splash accumulation will reach 4. If you ride for 5 hours, the dirt accumulation on the bike will reach 20.3. The burden of weight and volume (wind resistance) on physical strength increases: For example, if you carry a pound of objects for one kilometer, the energy consumed is 1KJ, which is very inconspicuous, right? But if you ride 100 kilometers at a higher speed (the wind resistance will increase), it's 150KJ, which is an order of magnitude number of is not easy to ignore.4. The mudguard itself also has the function of holding and carrying dirt, which will add extra weight. A bike without mudguards may only hold 50 splashes of dirt, but if it is a bike with mudguards, because of the increase in surface area, the dirt holding quantity may rise up to 55, or higher.5. When passing through mud, when the mud is caught between the wheel and the fender, it will greatly increase the cycling resistance or increase the probability of bicycle damage.6.When cycling on complex road conditions (such as forest roads), the mudguards will scratch or even entangle with the plants, and the completion of certain cycling actions will also be affected. In short, it is an obstacle.Finally, re-summarize the problem in plain language:1. The mudguard is basically ineffective in riding activities.2. The mudguard will increase energy consumption during cycling activities.3. will increase the probability of failure. Therefore, this type of mountain bike does not require mudguards. If the subject is only doing slow cycling on general roads, you can use a station wagon.4. The hidden safety hazards of mudguards: general mudguards are made thin and wide, and the materials are mostly steel, aluminum, plastic, resin, and other materials with a certain hardness. It's like a knife without a blade. In other words, it is a sharp protrusion on a bike. When the cyclist accidentally crashed, the kinetic energy is very large at this time. This sharp protrusion is very easy to cut your skin under the huge kinetic energy, especially in the summer when the riders wear very little and their bodies are exposed. The parts are many.
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1. Cycling without warming upMany cyclists are anxious to start cycling and neglect to warm up. This is not the right way to ride a bicycle. You should do some simple stretching and warm-up exercises before cycling to fully move your body so that your body will not be harmed. This is an important step to obtain the best results.2. Cycling without a helmetIt is very sad to see too many cases of "safety accidents without helmets" in real life. You must wear a helmet when you ride out because it is directly related to your life safety. In addition, it is necessary to check your equipment, brakes, lighting, tire pressure, etc. before cycling.3. Like cycling fastThe faster you ride, the longer you ride, the more aggressive and the faster you progress?Wrong! The most important thing about cycling is to maintain speed, avoid the phenomenon of fast and slow, vigorous, and desperate cycling, and not struggle to stop. Some beginner cyclists only pursue speed when cycling, and speed does not determine the degree of your domineering cycling, which is actually very harmful to your body. It is recommended that beginners should find the frequency that suits them during cycling and then increase the amount of exercise, so that gradual cycling not only exercises the body but also loses weight.4. Ignore hydrationMany cyclists only replenish water when they feel thirsty during cycling, and they take a lot of mouthfuls, which is very convenient. Replenishing water should follow the principles of "small sips, many times and slow drinking" and "timely", and can't make big sips to ensure physical vitality. If you do not replenish water in time, your body's functions will decrease, and muscle contraction speed and blood flow speed will slow down, resulting in insufficient muscle energy and oxygen supply, reduced cycling efficiency, and cramps in severe cases.5. Casual cycling postureDo you have straight arms, locked elbows, and crushed wrists during cycling? Is it also a collapsed waist, a belly stiff, and a push-up? Or the seat cushion is high, the handlebar is low, and the center of gravity of the cycling posture is too forward! The foot is a little bit strange when stepping on it. The correct cycling posture is to lean forward slightly, straighten your arms, tighten your abdomen, and adopt abdominal breathing, with your legs parallel to the crossbeam of the bike, and keep your knees and hips in coordination. Pay attention to the cycling rhythm.6. No simple repairsDuring pleasant cycling, far away from home while enjoying the scenery and cycling pleasure along the way, suddenly the tires hissed and punctured…Although there are pumps and tire repair tools, they will not For tire repair, you can usually learn simple bicycle repair skills through some videos.7. Cycling excessiveYoung people are energetic, but they must also pay attention to the appropriate amount of cycling. Excessive cycling will cause excessive slack exercise, which can damage the body's immune function and affect health. This is because when people exercise vigorously, more hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are produced in the body, which can cause a decline in their own immunity, dizziness, insufficient balance, and decreased brain response. After over-exercise, the heart becomes hypertrophied due to over-exercise, and the blood supply is often poor, which can easily cause malignant arrhythmia and cause sudden death.8. Blindly imitating othersDon't just imitate the professional riders because they are handsome in the race. You must master your own rhythm during long-term exercise. You must not blindly follow for the sake of chasing. Remember to do what you can, there's no need to be more nice than wise. Perseverance is a good thing, but you must not ignore the load and endurance of your body.9. Become a data slaveMany novices are always stuck on time, distance, speed, indulging in calories, etc., like to compare with others. But cycling is a kind of fun. If you keep looking at the data and forget to enjoy it, you may override and exhaust your body. Moreover, this is not the true essence of cycling.10. Set in stoneHave you been cycling on a flat road? Are your cycling distance and rhythm the same every day? In fact, this way of cycling is easy to feel bored, and the effect of exercise is also average. A more correct and effective approach is to use a combination of climbing and flat terrain to moderately change the distance and rhythm of cycling. Have you been riding on a flat road? Are your cycling distance and rhythm the same every day? In fact, this way of riding is easy to feel bored, and the effect of exercise is also average. A more correct and effective approach is to use a combination of climbing and flat terrain to moderately change the distance and rhythm of cycling.Products Recommended: High-Quality 700C Carbon Fiber Road Bike Frameset (speedster)- Quick Release
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Repairing a bike is an essential skill for every cyclist. I believe that cyclists will definitely encounter unexpected situations during cycling, and the most common failures are basically four types: chains falling off, blowout, brake failure, and inaccurate gear shifting.And these faults are all that we can quickly eliminate by ourselves, and this article will carefully introduce how to prevent faults and simple troubleshooting methods.One, chains falling offchains falling off is the worst nightmare for beginner cyclists, but the condition of chains falling off is actually that the chain is not properly stuck on the gear, falling on the freewheel or the outside of the freewheel.In case of chains falling off, do not pull it hard, otherwise, the more the chain is stuck, the more difficult it is to take it out. First, observe the position of the chains falling off, take out the chain, and put on the closest chainring to complete the repair. Simple, but the frequent chains falling off may be the limit screw of the transmission that needs to be adjusted. You can ask the bike shop to help check it.Two, bicycle blowoutA bicycle blowout is usually caused by a foreign body puncture. If you want to deal with it on the spot, you must have an inflator, a tire lever, and a spare inner tube.1. Insert the bicycle tire lever into the outer tire and fix it on the spokes, and then use the second tube to dig out the inner tire in sequence, then the outer tire on one side can be dug out.2. Take out the inner tube from the opposite side of the valve head, it is easy to take out and will not hurt the inner tube.3. Inflate the inner tube, feel the position of the hole, and remove the sharp foreign body compared to the corresponding scar on the outer tube to avoid secondary damage.4. Put in the spare inner tube and use both hands to push the outer tube back into the wheel frame. You can push the outer tube by hand to check whether the inner tube is completely covered.5. Inflate to the correct pressure to complete the tire changeThree, brake failureSometimes I feel that the brakes are always unable to stop, usually caused by excessive brake clearance. It is also recommended to check early before setting out to protect yourself.1. The brake spacing is too large and should be adjusted to the correct tightness.2. Loosen the fixing screw, fix the position of the clamp with one hand, and tighten the inner cable, then fix the screw to complete the adjustment.Four, inaccurate gear shiftingInaccurate shifting is usually caused by a babbling sound, slow shifting response, or time difference between shifting in and out, usually, just the tightness of the shifting cable is not in the correct position, just use the fine-tuning screw to solve it!When the small gear plate is on the big gear plate, it is found that it cannot go up or is too slow. At this time, just turn the fine adjustment screw counterclockwise to solve it.
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Many riders will experience muscle soreness after riding, some will be relieved after a little rest, and some will be relieved the next day, but some people will still have muscle soreness after many days. How do we need to operate to improve the symptoms of our muscle soreness? Today, I will show you which operations can relieve our muscle soreness, restore our muscle state as soon as possible, and improve our riding ability! sufficient sleep After riding, it is necessary to allow the body muscles to rest adequately and allow the body to have a good sleep, so that the muscles can have sufficient recovery time and the muscle pain can be relieved. If you don’t get enough sleep after exercising, muscle pain will definitely be more obvious. Many athletes also emphasize that at least one day a week is complete rest to allow the body to recover and strengthen. moderate exercise After cycling, moderate light exercise can promote blood circulation and relieve the original muscle soreness. After exercising for a while, you will feel less pain. Moreover, continuous exercise can keep the muscle strength from deteriorating, so it will not happen again next time. muscle massage After riding, you need to massage and relax the muscles accordingly. Whether it is massage with hands or rollers, or the popular fascia gun massage, the ultimate goal is to relax the stiff muscles and promote blood circulation, which can well slow down the pain. The method of muscle pain is also the most direct and effective method. Ice and heat Should I use cold or hot compresses after riding? This depends on different situations. If the body is inflamed or injured after exercise, it is recommended to soak in cold water. If it is just muscle pain, both cold and hot compresses are effective, and cold and hot can also be used alternately. Add water Part of the muscle pain after cycling comes from the lactic acid metabolized by the muscles. Drinking more water can make the lactic acid get rid of faster. You can start to add water 1 hour before exercise, and add salt to the water. You can add 1g of salt per liter of water. You can start drinking water before exercising. When the cycling starts to consume, the supplemented electrolytes have already entered the blood, and the electrolytes in the body will not be exhausted during the cycling. Cramps can also be avoided during high-intensity competitions. Supplementary nutrition The muscle pain that occurs after cycling is partly caused by the rupture of the muscle fibers of the muscles. During recovery, protein must be supplemented to repair the muscles. Before riding, you can eat protein-rich foods such as eggs, soy milk, milk, and bread. Although meat is also high in protein, meat has high oil content and takes a long time to digest. The time for the body to absorb and convert protein will also be prolonged, so it is not recommended. It is recommended to supplement carbohydrates and protein at a ratio of 4:1 after exercise, which can quickly and effectively replenish glycogen consumed by exercise, and help restore nutrients lost by muscles, increase muscle, and improve basal metabolism, which is good for burning fat Effect.
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There are many cyclists who like to ride alone when they go out, and many cyclists like to ride with a companion. In most cases, everyone prefers to go with a companion because there are many benefits to riding with a companion. What are the specific benefits? 1.Riding together can encourage each other; if there is a rider who can't ride, you can help him cheer up. This will not only improve the concentration and speed of the rider but also enhance your friendship and open the window of friendship; 2.Riding together can take care of each other when the riders have a flat tire; in a cycling team, there will always be three or two who become the king of flat tires due to various reasons. If you ride together, don’t worry at all. Because there will be a few riders in this team who are always ready with spare tires and tire repair tools; 3.You don’t have to worry about going home when you ride with a companion; when you ride with a companion, you don’t have to worry about not being able to go home when you reach that remote place. There will always be riders with their own navigation in the team; 4.Riding together, the scenery you see is even more different; why is it even more different, because it is impossible for you to go to the places you go alone. Think about the scene of several people crossing the deep forest and mountain stream and one person crossing the deep forest and mountain stream, which one will be more pleasing to the eye; 5.Riding together, you will find that your circle of friends is getting wider and wider; every time you go out for a ride, you will always meet riders with the same hobbies in different places, and you will find that there are more and more friends who ride together; 6.Riding together will make your riding level higher and higher; there will always be a faster riding partner in the team, who will lead the way every time. After you ride with them for a long time, you will find that Your riding level is also taken to another level. Precautions: 1.Do not act alone, be sure to follow the team closely, and are not allowed to leave the riding team without authorization. Without the permission of the team leader, other team members cannot surpass the first leading rider to control the speed of the team to ensure safety; 2.Pay attention to keep the distance between the front and rear vehicles (one car is the safe distance between the front car and the rear workshop), and when going downhill at high speed, it is 20-25 meters. Generally, a single-row formation is used, and a double-row formation can be used when the road surface is spacious; avoid making impossible Foreseeable actions that catch the players behind them by surprise and cause accidents (such as sudden line changes, sudden braking, etc.); 3.When overtaking, you must first check whether there is an oncoming vehicle in front or behind to avoid collision with the front and rear vehicles; overtake from the left side, and park on the right side; 4.Team members need to deal with the situation by themselves or report to the team leader (such as dropped objects, punctured tires, physical decline, etc.) and can signal the rear team members to overtake from the left. If the rear team members want to overtake, they should call the front team members and wait for the front team members to respond You can overtake from the left after the rear; 5.Obey the traffic rules while riding, do not run through red lights, and do not ride in violation of regulations; 6.When passing by any stopped vehicle, be sure to keep a safe distance of more than 1.5 meters to prevent the door from opening suddenly. If the road is too narrow to keep a sufficient safety distance, reduce the speed to less than 15km/h; 7.Pay attention to the entrance of the community on the right side of the road, the entrance of the unit and the entrance of the small alley, those are far more dangerous places than the intersection; 8.Do not bump into things on the road and around while riding, and concentrate on riding; 9.It is forbidden to talk, laugh and play on the road, especially the pursuit of two people; 10.It is strictly forbidden to pick up the car. When encountering a big uphill, it is better to push the car up, and it is absolutely not allowed to pick up the motor vehicle; 11.Try to avoid answering and calling mobile phones, listening to walkmans and other behaviors when riding a bicycle; 12.Do not drink to excess. For more cycling knowledge, please follow our blog
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1. Drink water after cyclingAfter cycling, you need to replenish water urgently, but do not drink large amounts of water. The body is in a high-temperature state. Drinking large amounts of water will suddenly cool down and disturb the body's inorganic salt balance, which is bad for your health. Remember to drink multiple times in small sips.2. Drink alcohol after cyclingAfter cycling, the blood circulation speeds up, and the alcohol enters the blood after drinking, and the damage to the liver organs will be doubled. And people are prone to get muddy after drinking. If you don't control the contact with your ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend after drinking or running naked on the street, that's bad.3. Smoking after cyclingAfter cycling, the body's oxygen consumption increases. Smoking will seriously hinder oxygen uptake capacity. If the body's oxygen supply is insufficient, muscle recovery will slow down. The immediate symptoms are fatigue and dizziness. Some riders like to smoke a cigarette while cycling and resting, as everyone knows, this will only make you more tired. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health, and it is best not to smoke.4. Blow the air conditioner/cold shower after cyclingAfter cycling, your body temperature is high. Suddenly blowing into a cold air conditioner or taking a cold shower will cause your body temperature to drop sharply, you may catch a cold, and your body's body temperature regulation dysfunction will also result.5. Overeating after cyclingAfter cycling, the blood is concentrated in the muscles, and there is less blood in the digestive system. If you eat too much at this time, it is easy to have indigestion and severely may cause chronic damage. It is recommended to add a small amount after cycling and eat after about two hours.6. Squat after cyclingWhen you go to school, after a long run, your teacher will tell you to take another walk. Don't rest immediately. Let your body gradually adapt. Sit down and rest immediately after cycling. This will directly affect the blood supply to the brain, and the brain may malfunction or even crash.7. Make love after cycling
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In outdoor sports, injury is the most common thing, and cycling is no exception. However, do you know anything about how to deal with wounds? It doesn't matter if you don't know this knowledge, let's take a posture together to see what are the methods for outdoor cycling injuries.Knee InjuryThere are nothing more than two reasons for knee injuries:One is overwork injury: on the one hand, it may be caused by too long riding a bicycle, on the other hand, it may be caused by an uncoordinated body when riding a bicycle.The second is that the knees get cold in cold weather.prompt:1. Apply ice to the knee for about 20 minutes;2. If the pain point is in front of the knee, raise the seat cushion by 2~3mm. If the pain point is behind the knee, lower the seat cushion by 2~3mm. When climbing hills, the muscles are often used alternately in sitting or standing positions.3. Keep your knees warm. It is recommended to wear knee pads or long trousers when riding a bicycle, especially when the temperature is low.Waist PainFor novices or riders who have not been riding a bicycle for a long time, it is normal to feel low back pain, but it is more uncomfortable that sometimes such pain extends to the legs.prompt: Pay attention to exercising these parts when training. The more you ride a bicycle, the tougher your back muscles will be. A high-quality double shock-absorbing bicycle can also help reduce waist pain.Neck PainUsually, if you stretch your neck for a long time, your neck muscles will become tired and sore.prompt:1. Adhere to the correct cycling posture-don't hold the handlebar too tightly, sink your elbows and shoulders, relax the whole body, and ensure flexible upper body movement.2. Frequently massage the neck muscles. If the pain persists, you can ask a chiropractor to massage the bone.Skin AbrasionsSkin abrasions are generally caused by other conditions, such as cycling too fast, inattention, and failure of the brakes.prompt: The most basic treatment is to clean the wound with a medical disinfectant swab and red syrup. To keep the wound clean, wear looser clothes. According to different bruises, the tetanus vaccine is sometimes given.Skin inflammationThe friction between the skin or clothing, as well as contact with pollen in the air, may cause skin inflammation.prompt:1. Pay attention to personal hygiene, and carry out antibacterial treatment on the body and skin.2. Before setting off, you can use petroleum jelly and tea tree oil to wipe the irritated parts for lubrication and protective treatment.3. When choosing clothes, long-sleeved ones are better. Choosing professional cycling suits will also reduce skin friction. If the weather is warmer, wear thinner and looser clothes.SunburnMale riders usually ignore the problem of sunburn. In fact, the skin is easily sunburned (inflammation, damage, etc.) when exposed to strong ultraviolet rays for a long time.prompt:1. Put on sunscreen: apply sunscreen on exposed parts of the body before departure, such as the face, nose, arms, arms, neck, ears, bare legs, and other parts.2. Wear leg covers and arm covers on the legs and arms.3. Calamine liquid and ice cubes can help alleviate sunburn. Use better-quality lotion to relieve symptoms and keep the sunburned area moist.4. If there is a scar, be sure to cover it with clothes and other things.AcneThis problem mostly occurs between the legs. It is caused by the skin and epidermis breakage caused by the friction between the skin and the seat cushion, and sometimes it is caused by ingrown hair. These boils can easily become purulent after being infected by sweat.prompt:1. Buy high-quality cycling shorts, which usually have less friction on the skin.2. After riding the bicycle, put on clean, dry clothes immediately after showering.3. If you have acne, after the acne matures, cut it open, squeeze out the pus, and then disinfect it. At the same time, use hot wax to remove the hair on the infected area to prevent the acne from getting worse. However, it is generally neither hygienic nor safe to handle it by yourself. It is recommended to go to the hospital.Eye injuriesWhy is it important to wear cycling glasses when riding a bicycle? Of course, it is to avoid some things from hurting the eyes, such as sunlight, insects, plants, dust, gravel mud, etc.prompt:1. Wear cycling glasses; (you can buy glasses with replacement lenses or glasses that automatically adjust to the light).2. If the mud splashes around, you can't just wear glasses, and you need to turn your face to one side to prevent the mud from entering your eyes.FracturesIf there is a fracture, it is usually a serious bicycle accident. Although this is accidental, it is better to know more about the situation and be prepared for it.prompt:1. If you have the conditions to treat the wound yourself, first treat the wound yourself: cover the wound with a clean cloth, and then tie it up to prevent blood from flowing out of the wound; then use a bandage or splint to fix the injured part.2. Calmly seek medical attention; if you are waiting for rescue, be careful not to subject the wound to an external force.Severe Rib PainThis sharp, sudden pain in the ribs is caused by injury when the diaphragm is pulled up from under the ribs.prompt:1. Warm up before exercise.2. When riding a bicycle, do not hunch back on the handlebar, straighten your back, straighten your chest, and leave enough space for the diaphragm.3. The speed of riding a bicycle should be within one's capacity, and the body should be able to bear it.HeatstrokeOne of the big challenges facing cycling in summer is the venomous sun. If the human body cannot control body temperature through the perspiration mechanism, heat stroke will occur.prompt:1. Carry the heatstroke person to a cool place inside, take off his clothes, wrap it in a sheet soaked in cold water, or put the patient in a bathtub to lower the body temperature below 38 degrees. If the patient is awake, drink saline every ten minutes to replenish the water.2. Cyclists can bring some cool oil, Rendan, ten drops of water, and other medicines to prevent heatstroke.3. You can choose to ride a bicycle in the morning or in the evening. In hot weather, if your body can't hold it, don't try your best.SprainIncorrect cycling posture and uneven roads usually result in excessive stress on body joints and sprains.prompt:1. Hang the limbs with a bandage to reduce swelling, reduce internal bleeding, and prevent inflammation.2. Use anti-inflammatory cream to apply, or use ultrasound for physical therapy or exercise therapy.3. Gently move the injured part to help recovery, but also to avoid muscle atrophy and stiffness.Pain In HandsRugged roads, too much impact, straight arms, or holding the handlebar too tightly for a long time can cause pain in your hands (including wrists).prompt:1. Install shock absorbers and dropper posts, and wear cycling gloves.2. Remove the handle from the handlebar from time to time while riding the bicycle, and shake it a few times before grabbing the handlebar.3. Grasp the handlebar with the back half of your hand, do not use the sensitive part between your thumb and index finger.Achilles tendonWhen the saddle is too high, you must use your toes to pedal as hard as you can. Excessive force for a long time can cause damage to the tendons.prompt: Adjust the height of the saddle. When riding a bicycle, try not to move your feet and ankles at 90 degrees. If you are traveling for a long distance, you should try to pedal with different parts of your feet to avoid excessive tension in your tendons.Back painDue to the incorrect cycling posture, when riding a bicycle on a rough road, the straight spine is not cushioned, and the bumps will squeeze the spine joints together, thereby aggravating back pain.prompt: Choose a bike of the right size and correct your cycling posture. When riding a bike, your back should be arched, and hip joints and shoulders should not collapse, so bumps will cause your back to arch slightly, which is harmless.
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1. Healthy breathing theoryThe knowledge of breathing is great. It is not so easy to discuss and research. Different exercises have different breathing characteristics. And some good breathing methods also need to be developed. (My respiratory system was in trouble a few days ago, and now I pay special attention to this aspect of recovery) Why should I pay attention to breathing? Here is the connection point between human and natural aura! I don't understand Qigong, but don't talk about everything when people are out of anger. The same two, eating the same meal, why one is tired after running 10 kilometers, and the other one runs hundreds of kilometers and continues. The reason is here, the efficiency of energy conversion is inseparable from breathing!In addition, what is breathed in is stimulating to the alveoli. Air pollution, dust, bacteria, etc. will cause damage to the lungs. A runny nose is also a typical symptom of a respiratory infection. When you ride a bike in the wind, the cold air goes straight down the respiratory tract and lung cavity, which reflects some of the respiratory tracts. You can consider using your nose to help you breathe. Don't take a big mouth, just open a small mouth. Nose hair and nasal cavity can filter the air, and can also warm the air. This way the respiratory tract will not be irritated.2. Cycling breathing experienceRegarding cycling, breathing is equally important. I used to like to ride fast when I came up. I was prone to abdominal pain after reaching a certain distance. Later I came to the conclusion that it was caused by breathing. Part of the outside air was mixed with the stomach. So for a while, I paid special attention to breathing with my stomach instead of my chest, and the result was much better.It's right to breathe with your mouth when cycling, especially when cycling uphill. But it is not to let everyone breathe cold air immediately after breakfast, but to tell friends that if you are cycling on a flat road and the normal nasal breathing can be satisfied, then you don't need to gasp. Moreover, what I mean by mouth breathing on flat roads is performed under the premise that the nose and mouth are downward, avoiding the limelight, and automatically contracting the abdomen. When cycling uphill, you need a big mouth to supply oxygen, and use your mouth and nose as much as possible (if you don't use it, it's wasted). If it's cold, it is recommended to warm up your body before going out. Just open the mouth naturally, and the tongue can be rolled up properly, which helps heat the gas.Breathing tips: No matter what the situation, the most taboo thing about breathing is irregularity.3. In some "death riding" alpine symptoms, will disturb your normal breathing rhythm.Cycling uphill 4000 meters is a normal phenomenon for a swollen throat, swollen tonsils, and dizziness. The reason is simple: the air is thin, and breathing must be strengthened to supply blood oxygen. At this time, it is very effective to apply some petroleum jelly in the nasal cavity during the day under the necessary night medicine conditioning. As winter is approaching, keep warm when cycling.
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Martin Shea, one of the best uphill riders in the United States, said that she found a soft spot for uphill cycling during her first bicycle trip to the west, Colorado. "When I first cycled uphill the Monarch Pass, I didn't know anything about distance or altitude," she said. "Most cycle uphill in New England can reach the top within ten minutes. When I heard that the biggest cycle uphill was coming, I thought it would only take twice as long. Twenty-three miles later, I can reach the top through point At 11,300 feet, I learned two major lessons: First, a curve on the road does not mean that the top of the mountain is at the corner; second, even though I like cycling uphill and my uphill cycling ability seems not weak, I still have a lot to learn. Even though I have won the Mt. Washington hill cycle championship three times, I can often find better ways to improve my uphill cycling skills." As she said, here are three improvements that anyone can do.Forward, weight trainingUnlike any other riding style, uphill cycling slopes are more inclined to thin people. But this is not to say that when you have a little load (especially non-seasonal) not cycle uphill. No matter what the situation is, cycle uphill the slopes near you. When you lose weight, even as little as three pounds, you will find that your riding performance has improved significantly because you only need to move a smaller weight with the same force.Use a small gear ratioIn my opinion, most people use large gear ratios when riding bicycles. When I cycled uphill Mount Washington for the first time, the 7.6-mile average gradient was 11.6%, and I used the previous gear ratio. The only way I can cycle uphill to the top is to stand and ride all the way, with an average cadence of 55. Now I use a smaller gear ratio, 11-32T freewheel, which allows me to ride and maintain a high-efficiency pedal frequency. After that, the heaviness of tired legs and the accumulation of lactic acid disappeared.Do less workWhen cycling uphill with many riders, jumping out to be a rabbit may not be rewarding-but you will be surprised to find that hiding behind other people can save a lot of energy. Moreover, as you cycle uphill higher and higher, the wind as an influential factor will become more and more obvious, so that even if you rush out at low speeds, it will be greatly affected. From an aerodynamic point of view, the following cycling is psychologically beneficial. Moreover, if you maintain a steady speed and do less work on most uphill cycling sections, you can maintain the strength to sprint to the top.