The vehicle you ride on is a precision machine, and it can perform optimally only when all parts are in good condition. However, we often only focus on the appearance of the vehicle and ignore many important components. Today, let us follow the article and take a look at those bicycle accessories that are easily overlooked.

Wheel bearings:

When we ride, if we find that the wheel set does not rotate smoothly, it is likely that the wheel set bearings are too dry or small stones have entered the wheel set. Failure to perform lubrication and maintenance for a long time may damage the entire hub or wheel set, causing greater losses. Therefore, we need to apply lubricating oil to the bearings regularly to keep the hub smooth.


The chain is also a part that we often overlook. Its degree of wear is closely related to riding habits and environment. Improper shifting operation and improper cleaning may cause damage to the chain. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the status of the chain at all times and add appropriate lubricating oil to make the chain run smoothly. At the same time, the chain gauge should also be used regularly to check the expansion and contraction of the chain. If the gap is too large, the chain needs to be replaced.

Control wiring harness:

The wiring harness of a bicycle includes transmission cables and brake cables, and the status of these wiring harnesses is often ignored by us. Over time, these wiring harnesses may age and wear out, causing smooth operation. Therefore, we need to check the conduit for signs of kinks and wear and replace it if necessary. At the same time, you can also try to drip some chain lubricant and other grease into the wire tube to improve the problem of wire harness jamming.

Transmission hanger:

If your bicycle is prone to derailment or deviation, you should check whether the transmission hanger, guide wheel and other related parts are working properly. Problems such as deformation or bending of these components may cause certain problems in the transmission. Therefore, you must carry out relevant inspections before riding to ensure that the vehicle is operating normally.

Brake disc:

Brake discs are also one of the components that people tend to overlook. Its condition directly affects the performance and safety of the brake. If the disc is worn or deformed, it may lead to increased braking distance or brake failure. Therefore, we need to regularly check the condition of the brake discs and replace seriously worn discs in a timely manner.

bicycle accessories

In short, riding a vehicle requires us to always pay attention to and maintain the status of each component. Only by doing routine maintenance and inspections can the good operation and safety of the vehicle be ensured.

Brake pads have certain wear indicators. When the wear reaches a certain level, the braking efficiency will be reduced or failure. The disc may also be deformed or cracked after a crash. Once these problems are discovered, they need to be adjusted or replaced in time. The leading handlebar is an important component for controlling the direction of the vehicle, especially the carbon fiber handlebar, which requires regular attention and inspection. The handlebars of road bikes are often wrapped by various handlebar tapes, but under the shiny handlebar tapes there may be unsafe factors caused by corrosion or crashes. If not discovered in time, it may cause serious consequences.

Therefore, regular attention or a thorough inspection every time the handlebar tape is replaced is recommended. Headset problems can also cause poor steering, possibly due to rough bearings and erosion caused by water stains, rust, etc. Frequent inspection is required. It is best to remove the handlebar and front fork, check the relevant sealed bearings, and apply lubricating oil for lubrication. If the bearings are damaged, they need to be replaced in time. The pedal is also a component that is often overlooked. You need to pay attention to whether the pedal rotates smoothly, whether the bearings are tightened, and whether the pedal body is solid. Tire inspection is also a very important part of riding. It is necessary to check the degree of wear and possible puncture. Carefully observe the tire tread and sidewall. If cracks, punctures, etc. occur, they need to be replaced in time.