what is up people how are you guys doing
so you guys know that i over forked my trifox cross country slash down country chinese carbon mountain bike
whatever you guys want to call it
i'm so used on riding it with a manitou mark or 100 millimeter fork manitou mark
or it's fine you know until it started giving me issues
so i over forked it with my rockshox revelation 130 millimeter fork
i actually been testing it out and the fork is actually you know really good i really like it but the pedal efficiency is gone
you know 130 millimeters going downhill
well we don't really have downhill here in florida
but you know you get the point going down and turning
i feel like i actually got a super nice trail bike you know but again it's not that efficient
so here's the writing video and before you guys start commenting that oh how come you
so fast well if i'm writing and filming i normally stop every once in a while so i check the footage
maybe two to three minutes that two to three minutes will actually give me enough time to rest you know to lower my heart rate
and after that i am ready to hammer it again yeah that's why i'm super fast in these videos plus
you know i mean i only filmed the the cool stuff not the lame stuff
so if you guys want to check out the entire lap me riding this trail
let me know down in the comments below
so next time i'll click the record button
and i'm just gonna hammer the entire trail see that way you guys can see how slow i am
but i actually ride faster with the group because if i'm riding with a group
we don't stop we only stop if we got mechanical issues like
you know somebody got a flat or something like that
so rockshox revelation fork on my trifox mfm 100 it's okay
the bike survived i've been hitting some drops on it just a little bit you know not too high
but yeah i think it's doable so yeah here's the the ride video check it out comment down below
what you guys think about it and enjoy
[riding time]
130 millimeter fork on a super cross country trail
let's do it
it's so dry here today
it's super sandy
normally i crash here when it's hot
because it's just it's so sandy that
you know i keep sliding all over the place
i had to hit the brakes there
all right let's see the suspension
let me check the fork
so far i still got approximately an inch and a half of travel left on my fork suspension
so i can feel it is too comfortable it's just every time i pedal i feel like the front is just bobbing so much
so 130 millimeters it's just too much for this trail
personally i think 110 millimeter travel bike is perfect around here in florida
you know that's just me that's my opinion
130 millimeter it's just it is not efficient i'll give you that it's pretty comfortable but
[riding time]
i like this spot right here
a little bit of flow
oh man it's so leafy i am scared to turn
it's like no matter how creepy my tire is
it's just i can't trust them 100 you know
because there's no berms here
a pedal pedal pedal
and guess what
there's a hiker
all that energy's gone okay here we go
cobblestone climb
get up there go on
i can feel it
it is not that efficient on climbing
going down
it's all right though again
it's kind of comfy
but you know what
i think i'll stick with 120 millimeters
come on let's get it
going a little too fast right here
oh man it turns real good
longer forks i guess
better handling
i don't know
comment down below
not sure
a lot of flats here
it'll make you strong though because you're going to be pedaling a lot
it's like 95 of the time you're pedaling
these turns are deadly
incoming roots
first lap done
that one is a solid ride right there
this place is busy
i did not use all my travel
still got an inch and a half of travel left on my fork
well since you made it all the way to the end of this video
might as well subscribe to my channel if you haven't done it yet and stay tuned
because i am about to install the rockshox sid select to my trifox mfm carbon mountain bike
so yeah thanks for watching and i guess that's about it don't forget to like comment subscribe
keep pedaling ride safe and i will see you guys in my next video
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Check the Trifox Mountain Bike Frame MFM100 Review video here