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Bicycles are the most successful means of transportation invented by mankind. With bicycles, people can go further, and the world seems to be a lot bigger all at once. Bicycles can take us to see the world, see great rivers and mountains, cycle wherever we want, challenge ourselves, surpass ourselves, and realize our dreams.In the process of cycling, there are some things to pay attention to, the following ten taboos should be especially avoided.1. Get rid of the habit of using improper brakesWhen braking, please brake the rear wheel first to avoid a crash due to excessive braking force. The position of the rear brake handle can be changed due to personal habits.Before going on the road, you should ask a professional technician to adjust the tightness of the brake line, and check the gap between the brake block and the wheel and the degree of wear.2. Correct the improper turning methodWhen turning, the bike body will lean, and the pedals on the inside should be kept level or placed above to avoid touching the ground. You should slow down before entering a curve. Braking during a turn is very dangerous.3. Correct the wrong way up and downhillSome people stand up and step on the pedals when riding uphill. But unless it is a particularly steep slope or needs to accelerate the sprint, this posture should be avoided. In addition to more physical exertion, the increased center of gravity of the ride caused poor handling and the rear wheels were also prone to skidding.The correct way should be:When going uphill, move forward while sitting, lower your upper body to keep your center of gravity, and step forward with a light gear ratio.When going downhill, move your body's center of gravity back, lower your body, and clamp your thighs on the cushion. Pay attention to speed control. Use progressive braking. Emergency braking is strictly prohibited.4. Keep a safe distanceIf you follow the team for group cycling, keep a safe distance between bicycles at all times.During long-distance cycling, the front bicycle will be shielded from the wind to facilitate cycling; when the road is wide and straight, it is easier for the riders to lose their spirits. It is recommended that the riders should be separated by at least one bicycle distance to ensure safety.5. Try to avoid rolling over road protrusionsThe condition of the road surface on the highway is well known. When riding, you need to keep your sight far away to avoid excessive speed and observe the obstacles or potholes on the road.If you can't dodge, it is recommended to pull up the handle and use the pedaling force to make the front wheel jump over. Reduce the impact.6. It is strictly forbidden to wear headphones to rideIt is difficult to get information from the outside world when wearing a headset, such as the sound of a horn from a rear vehicle or reminders from teammates. If the headset cable is too long, it is easy to cause accidents.If you want to listen to music or the radio, you can use loudspeakers and other devices. It is strictly forbidden to wear headphones when riding.7, physical discomfort reluctantly hit the roadIf you are physically unwell or mentally weak and you cannot concentrate, you should plan to advance or delay the journey in alternative ways to avoid danger.8. Cycling is prohibited for bike failureIf the bike fails to be repaired urgently at the moment, you should proceed with other alternative methods or request road assistance. Especially the brakes or wheels (tires) and other components have abnormal conditions, do not force the cycling.9. Stop cycling in bad weatherIn case of severe weather such as typhoons, heavy rain, lightning strike, strong wind, etc., the itinerary should be changed or canceled. If you encounter severe weather conditions during cycling, you should wait until the wind and rain slow down before proceeding.Avoid cycling at noon, or cycling at high temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius, and replenish moisture in a timely manner.10. Plan your itinerary to avoid night cyclingDue to the insufficient lighting source of the bike lights, they can only be used as an aid to remind other passersby.It is recommended that itinerary planning should start early, increase the noon break, and arrive at the end of today's journey before the sun goes down. Especially group cycling should avoid night cycling to avoid accidents due to poor visibility and unfamiliar roads.
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Cycling in winter has many advantages, but many riders didn't find them. Let's take a look at what they have.By choosing the right winter cycling equipment, you can experience the fun that is different from cycling in other seasons-cycling on winding mountains, breathing the refreshing air, and enjoying the beauty of undissolved snow…Cycling in winter will not sweat so much. Dress appropriately and your winter cycling will be very comfortable. However, if you wear the wrong clothes, it is estimated that you can also experience the feeling of duality between ice and fire.Winter cycling tests bike control skillsThe arrival of winter is often accompanied by rain, snow, hail, and various extreme weather.Cycling on icy roads is more dangerous, but you will feel very fulfilled after riding such a road.Help blood circulation and improve immunityWinter is very cold, so it is more important to maintain sufficient physical strength during cycling.One of the most basic benefits of cycling in winter is that it can help blood circulation and help the body improve immunity.Because in the process of cycling, the limbs can get full exercise, and as the cycling time increases, and the intensity of exercise increases, the speed of blood circulation will gradually increase, and slowly circulate to the person's Various parts of the body.Because the blood circulatory system of people in winter is relatively in a relatively static state, if you do not exercise frequently, then the blood will stagnate and cannot reach the hands and feet, and it is easy to have cold hands and feet, frostbite, etc.You can feel satisfied even in short-distance cyclingAlthough the warm sun in winter is great, its exposure time is not long, but this is not a bad thing.First of all, you don't have to get up at six o'clock in the morning to prepare for cycling, because it's still dark outside. Then, you can comfortably push home when the sun is about to go down, and cycling will not make you very tired.In addition, winter cycling can also help keep warm, because the body's immunity is improved, and the human body will gradually generate heat during the cycling process. After continuous exercise, the human body will also be exposed to cold weather. It has a relatively high resistance, so it is not afraid of the cold wind.Cycling exercise is a long process. If it can be done regularly, it will definitely help improve people's immunity.People who are afraid of the cold can choose to wear more clothes or wear warm clothes such as gloves and helmets so that they are not afraid of the cold weather outside.Basically, every family can own a bicycle, so this is a must-have product for family sports.As more and more new bikes with stronger functions are launched, I believe they will definitely become an ideal choice for people to exercise outdoors in winter.There are fewer cars on the road in winterIf you like to go cycling in scenic spots, there are generally fewer tourists in these places in winter, and the traffic pressure is not great, so you will get a better cycling experience than in summer.
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This time we will talk about the causes and solutions of neck pain.Neck pain is a more common problem in cycling than back pain. Especially when riding a road bike, the lower posture will keep the neck in an uncomfortable position. After a long time, it will naturally become sore. In severe cases, it may even cause the neck to become stiff and difficult to continue cycling.Causes of neck painWe all know that soreness is generally caused by the production of lactic acid in the muscles under anaerobic conditions. The sore neck is also the reason. When we ride a bicycle in a position for a long time, the neck will be in the same position, which will tighten the neck muscles (neck deep muscles), compress the (capillary) blood vessels, and put the muscles in an anaerobic state. Over time, fatigue, sleepiness, and soreness will appear.Cycling postureNeck pain is the easiest when riding a road bike, which is closely related to the Cycling posture of a road bike. Because of the radical geometric design of road bikes, the upper part of the body needs to be lowered a lot when cycling, so we have to look up to observe the road conditions when cycling. The longer we look up, the more likely we are to have neck pain.Frame sizeThis reason was also discussed in the previous issue of back pain. An inappropriate frame size will cause many problems. If the size is too large, the body will lie down too much, and if the size is too small, the body will not be stretched. In both cases, the neck will be at an abnormal angle, increasing the pressure on the neck muscles and causing soreness.The height and angle of saddle and handlebar, helmet wearingThe saddle is too high, the handlebar is too low, and the helmet pressure is too low. These will make the cycling posture lower and the neck needs a larger angle, which can easily cause neck pain.Cycling timeNo matter what the reason is, even if you are in the correct cycling posture, it will cause soreness as long as the time is long.How to avoid it?Address external factorsPerform professional fitting, get your body data, find the most suitable cycling data, and then check your frame, saddle, handlebar, stem, etc., if you can adjust it, change it if you can't. Because these are the most direct factors, they need to be eliminated first.Multiple posturesFirst, We don't need to keep raising our head to look into the distance, just adjust the posture and look up to see the road conditions clearly, and look squarely when the road conditions are complicated;Second, twist your neck more to look at the left and right, exercise the neck muscles;Third, change the cycling posture, such as standing up and rocking the bike when going uphill, which can also relieve the pressure on the neck;Fourth, switch the position of the grip more, or choose to install a rest bar, you can also relax the neck muscles.Reasonable restIn long-distance cycling, set some rest points for yourself, combining work and rest, which not only reduces the pressure on the muscles but also improves cycling efficiency.Daily notesA good cycling experience is inseparable from daily exercise and the protection of important muscle groups, so we should also pay attention to protecting the neck in daily life.Pay more attention to postureIn daily life, we should pay attention to some head-down situations, such as playing mobile phones, playing games, watching TV, sitting in the office, etc. If the posture is not appropriate, the neck will be very hurt. Over time, cervical spine diseases will fall, and cycling will be greatly affected.Exercise moreStrengthen the exercise of the neck muscles, strengthen the muscles, and make it easier to cope with the bending posture. Common exercises include turning the head, pressing the head in all directions to resist, and wrapping the head with a towel to resist stretching.Multi-protection
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Many novice cyclists are attracted by the handsome riding postures of senior cyclists, and always want to imitate the scene of big guys struggling to shake their bikes and rush to the finish line. But during the practice, always worry about the state and posture of the rocking bike. What is a “rocking bike” The rocking bike is also called standing riding, which is a riding posture of riding a bicycle. Primarily by increasing the force of gravity on the pedal, a higher output is achieved in a short amount of time. When rocking the car, the center of gravity is in front of the main body of the car, and the person is basically in a semi-upright position. When exerting force, in addition to the force of the hips and legs, the core of the body and the strength of the upper limbs are also required to coordinate forces. Rocking a car can be said to be a riding action that requires the mobilization of the whole body. Riders choose to ride in the rocking mode, which is mainly used for fast and high-power output and is usually used when riding starts, steep slopes, sprints, etc. when more vigorous pedaling output is required. Rocking bike pose The basic posture of the crankshaft requires both hands to hold the outer end of the handlebar tightly so that the handlebar and the center of gravity can be firmly controlled, the shoulders move forward to be basically parallel to the stem, and the hips move forward with the body to facilitate pedaling with great force. When shaking the bike, the bike is basically in a state where the bike is shaking and the person is not shaking. The vehicle is controlled by the strength of the upper body. The bicycle shakes from side to side with the help of the upper body when pedaling. The core strength such as the waist and abdomen is coordinated to stabilize the body, and the force output of the lower body is used to drive the car forward. When you first experience the rocking bike, lower the speed and don’t pull the handlebar with your hands hard. When you step on your right foot, the car will tilt to the left, and when you step on your left foot, the car will tilt to the right. Many people move their shoulders and arms together when shaking the car in the early stage, which will not only consume a lot of physical energy, but also cause the vehicle to be unstable, and the pedaling force will not be concentrated. When performing shaking car exercises at ordinary times, it is best to choose a gentle long uphill road for practice, and secondly, you can choose a flat road for practice. The center of gravity of many novice hand bikes is often relatively forward, which will cause the center of gravity to be on the front wheels, which will affect the flexibility of handling. In fact, the center of gravity should be kept above the cushion, and the upper body should be relaxed to maintain the flexibility of the vehicle. Shake the bike to exert force Usually, when standing and pedaling a rocking bike, the force is applied to one side. At this time, the bike tends to fall on one side. In order to overcome this tendency, the bike needs to be tilted in the opposite direction. You can lift the handlebar at the first few feet of the rocking car at the same time, and increase the pedaling force so that you can quickly increase the speed. You can also use the method of lifting the handlebar when sprinting, but it is easy to fatigue. How long this way of lifting the handlebar can last depends on the individual’s riding state and physical fitness. Everyone knows that the greater the cycling output, the greater the physical energy consumption. Rocking the car will allow more muscles of the body to participate in doing work to increase output, so when rocking the car, the power output is increased, and the heart rate will also increase accordingly. Shake gear ratio Usually, a larger gear ratio is used when the car is sprinting, and a smaller gear ratio is used when climbing a car. Often, when climbing a car, it is necessary to increase the gear ratio by 1-2 gears compared to normal sitting. Often, the crankshaft will increase the output even more. If the original small gear ratio is maintained, there will be a feeling of stepping on the air. As for the specific amount, it will vary from person to person. No matter what gear ratio is used, it is more appropriate to keep the cycling cadence between 60-70. Stop rocking When climbing a steep slope or due to physical reasons, it is necessary to consider stopping the car. If it is due to physical fatigue, it is necessary to immediately increase the gear ratio and reduce the cadence, otherwise, it will easily lead to “breaking power”. If you continue to insist on rocking the bike, you will have to stop the bike to stop riding due to physical exhaustion, and the loss outweighs the gain. When and to what extent such problems will occur, we need to continue training to feel and experience the critical point of this rocking car. Keep increasing the practice until you can continuously shake the car for more than 200 meters to achieve practical results.
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Practicing cadence is quite meaningful. The result of the practice is the same: it is like writing good handwriting and typing faster, which are good things for life. Those who have not tried the advantages of high cadence can gradually practice as follows. Cadence is the number of times the pedals rotate once in 1 minute. Conserve the limited energy and lactate capacity of your muscles by increasing your frequency capacity. No matter what kind of road conditions you ride, don’t worry about the speed, keep the number of pedaling at the optimal pedaling frequency, and you will get the best energy output power ratio. Cycling with the correct cadence can also be effective in preventing knee injuries. Generally speaking, for non-competitive long-distance cycling, maintaining a cadence of 85-95 is relatively durable and less prone to fatigue. Cadence training is a long-term conscious training process. Attention should be paid to maintaining the stability of the body under a high cadence, so as not to cause the body to swing from side to side and jump up and down due to the increase in cadence. 90-100 on flat roads is a better cadence and 70-80 on long slopes. Keep in mind the speed at 90 cadences and the speed at 100 cadences for each gear with no cadence. Then look at the real-time speed displayed on the stopwatch, and adjust the transmission so that the cadence is always between 90-100. Use 5.6 before and 2 after, keep the speed at 22 to 25 km/h, and you can practice cadence very well. Ride at this speed for 5 minutes each time. two-wheeled car After you have learned to control the pedaling technique, it is time for long-distance climbing exercises. The purpose of this exercise is to adapt to sitting and pedaling during long-distance climbing. This is how you dramatically increase your strength, which can be maximized in certain situations. The specific method of training is as follows: 1. Level the seat cushion, that is, the front and rear are a little flatter than before, so as to prevent the PP from sliding forward. 2. Find a flat road, use a lower gear, and take the pedal without force as the criterion. It feels like pedaling without resistance. 3. When there is no cadence meter, remember the commonly used speed and gear relationship. For example, I use 24 gears, and when the speed is 21 to 26 kilometers, I use 2-5 gears (2-5/21-26 for short). As shown in the following table: 2-3/15-19 2-4/18-22 2-5/21-26 2-6/24-30 3-5/28-34 3-6/31-38 3-7/36-44 3-8/>43 Basically, it is the corresponding relationship between the speed and the gear in the table above. Its cadence can be kept between 90-110. Note that if you feel a feeling of force in your legs, just downshift to ride. You may feel that you are riding slower than before, but it doesn’t matter, now you are practicing unimpeded cadence, not speed. It will be faster in the future. You can practice at the lower limit of the speed of each gear first, and slowly increase the speed of the same gear. Practice a few kilometers when you get the chance. After about two weeks, I basically got used to the riding habits of high cadence. Slowly, you can get to the complicated roads, and the distance can be a little farther, and you can still pedal without hindrance. Whenever you encounter an uphill, downshift until you don’t feel any obvious resistance. For some slopes, although they are not too steep, you may need to downshift to 1-1 gear, and the speed is only about 8 kilometers. Speed to attack the slope. You will find that such a slope, even if it is 10 kilometers long, will not be as tiring as before. Patience is the most important thing, don’t think about running at a good speed all at once. Don’t think of rocking the slope, it won’t last. On the basis of a certain amount of practice, slowly try to improve a level to practice, mainly attacking slopes. Of course, the strength of the legs should be increased a little. But do not reduce the cadence as a benchmark. In the long-distance uphill process, you can go up the entire distance without reducing the cadence, and try to increase the gear as much as possible. After practicing many times, your climbing ability will improve. When riding a long distance, such a long slope can be ridden down, what else can’t be overcome? On long distances, I basically don’t use 3-7 and 3-8, because I don’t have the opportunity to use this gear. Only when going downhill, it is possible to use more than the 7th gear. The most important thing is to save energy for long distances. I like to stand up and go downhill, letting PP leave the seat for a short time to relax.
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Last time I shared short slope training, Now I will talk about another method to become a master of cycling and climbing 5 Tech Tips for Climbing Long Slopes 1.sitting Climbing hills in the saddle is more aerobically efficient, and sitting back will engage your glutes, allowing the biggest muscle mass in your body to help you. Standing can make you faster, but it uses up your precious glycogen reserves too quickly. Even so, getting out of the saddle occasionally can relax, improve blood circulation, and engage more muscles to do work. Try not to let the bike shake too much when you are riding out of the saddle. Exaggerated movements are inefficient and waste energy. 2.Relax When you pull too hard on the handlebars you waste energy and make your upper body tense, relax! Keep your back straight, your shoulders back, and your hands resting on the handlebars as you climb. This expands the chest cavity, allowing for more efficient breathing, and increasing aerobic efficiency. Change the position of your hands on the handlebars to avoid any stress and repetitive strain injuries. 3.keep a steady cadence Stable at 90rpm is the ideal cadence (climbing 90rpm is really difficult for amateur drivers, but it is worth the effort), don’t use too large a gear ratio, so that you have to lower the gear ratio later. This will deplete the glycogen reserves and put more mechanical stress on the crank to turn it slower. If you stand up, increase the gear ratio by one gear ratio, so as to keep the power stable at a lower cadence, and then switch to an easier gear ratio when you sit down again. When the slope changes, change the gear ratio to maintain a stable frequency and power output. 4.pace, not race When you’re climbing long hills, the pacing is critical to keeping you as efficient as possible. So if you’re riding too hard, you’re going to take on an oxygen debt, and use up your muscles’ glycogen stores, and this will ultimately affect your overall cycling performance. The key is to stay in an aerobic state until the last few miles, at 65% of your maximum heart rate if using a heart rate monitor. 5.ideal location in large groups When you’re racing, position on the climbs is very important, and if you’re not a strong climber, make sure you start every hill in the front group. That way if you get behind, there are plenty of cars to follow. Stagger the rear wheels of the car in front so you have a path to “escape” when he/she brakes, choose to be on the left or rear of the car in front depending on the direction of the wind and get as close as you can. Ride smart, choose a strategy, and save energy, but be decisive when it’s time to attack.
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How to train for climbing short slopes some repetitive hill climbing Find a hill that’s not too steep, and divide it into three distinct sections. Ideally, the first section has a suitable slope, of about 8-10%, then the middle section is slightly flatter, and the last section is the steepest, with a slope of about 10-12%. The length is preferably 2-3 minutes. Start to climb the hill repeatedly 8 times, start timing at the bottom of the mountain, and stop at the top of the mountain. You can sprint at the starting point, then sit down and step on a slightly flat section of the road, leave the seat for the last section, and sprint to the top with all your strength. Effectively recover until your breathing becomes normal, then start the next climb. Try to use the same amount of time for all 8 reps, and if you get too slow, stop the workout, cool down, and try again next week. Record the time of each climb, and also pay attention to the weather and wind direction, and you can compare seasons. 2.change your pace On moderately steep long slopes, try changing pace exercises, start at a moderate pace, then mark 250 meters ahead of you and start sprinting off the saddle, doing your best (this is similar to running a farrek run ). Reach the marked point, return to a moderate pace, and repeat this many times until you reach the top of the hill. 3.practice brow sprint You often see riders climb to the top of the hill, stop pedaling and go coasting before switching to the big ring, which is a complete waste of time. Try practicing brow sprints. When you reach the top, you immediately cut to the big plate and start sprinting, so that you can reach full speed on the downhill. (brow refers to eyebrows, like a curve from uphill to downhill) It’s a very good attacking position in a race because you’ll notice most of the drivers are coasting and you can open up the gap quickly and you’ll be far out when the others are hesitating. Even in the TT, we can see riders coasting in the brow position, which loses precious seconds, don’t hesitate to cut to the market and start charging.
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Some people say to “ride more”, but I think the reply “ride more” is the same as when someone asks how to lose weight and you say “exercise more”, although it is correct, it is nonsense. The first: To explain, warm up for 20 minutes, then keep riding for 20 minutes in FTP. FTP means the maximum power you can sustain for an hour. Or you can keep it at FTHR, which is the maximum heart rate that can be maintained within an hour. Rest for 5 minutes, ride at leisure, then do another set, then ride at leisure for 15 minutes, and go home. Before doing it, you’d better find a road with no traffic lights, then ride for 20 minutes, try your best, feel your own threshold, and then ride at a slightly slower speed than this every time you train. The advantage of this training is that the intensity is not very high and the time requirement is not long. Very practical for ladies. The disadvantage is that the progress is relatively slow, and it takes at least two times a week to see the effect. After slowly improving, you can speed up the speed in two sets of 20 minutes, exceeding your own FTP. The second type: Warm up for about 20 minutes and then do 3 sets of 8 minutes each. You must exceed your FTP. The best result is that you feel that you are about to die at the end of the third set, but the training is over when you are about to collapse. Last 15 minutes of leisure riding, head home. The intensity is higher than that of the previous training, and the time requirement is not too high. You can try again after you have made some progress. Be careful not to go too fast in the first group, or you will go crazy in the end. The above two pieces of training are what I recommend to girls. I am particularly curious about the mentality of a certain respondent when he said “150 kilometers to explode”. Everyone’s physical fitness is different. Not everyone has the physical strength, energy, and time to ride 150 kilometers. It’s like when someone asks you how to improve your 5-kilometer performance, you answer him and say you should run a marathon and run hard. The above two training times I recommend are about 1 hour, you definitely have time, and the effect is absolutely guaranteed. Finally, a little technical question: Riding with a high cadence and the low gear ratio is the most effective way. Don’t worry about whether your legs are strong enough. The landlord is a girl, so she should understand where her strengths lie. Women’s muscle growth is much slower than men’s, but there is no difference in the ability to improve cardiorespiratory capacity. A certain amount of muscle is indeed very important, but if you ride a lot, you will find that road bikes do not necessarily require how much muscle, but to see whether your cardiopulmonary capacity is strong or not, and whether your body is thin or not. The leg muscles of the top sprinters in the Tour de France burst out, but they were still pulled by the seemingly weak climbers when they climbed the hill. So don’t think that you have to build muscles with a large plate, it is better to use a small plate with a high gear ratio and high cadence. What does it matter as long as the speed is the same. Generally speaking, it is better to keep the cadence around 90-100 when riding at FTP, and it is not good if it is too high or too low. Breathing skills are very important but often overlooked. The importance of inhalation is self-evident, but the host should also pay attention to exhalation, and blow out the exhaust gas in the body with his mouth, just like blowing a trumpet. sitting posture. Under normal circumstances, the hands are placed on the shifting handle, but when you want to go all out, you might as well try to put your hands on the handlebars. This aerodynamic posture helps to further increase your speed. You can practice attacking each other with others so that your improvement will be faster.
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Carbon fiber has long been hailed as the ultimate material for cycling frames, known for its lightweight and strength. But what if you could take that technology to the next level? That's precisely what Trifox Bike has done, introducing a revolutionary new design that takes carbon fiber frames to a whole new level.Trifox Bike is a bike manufacturer that specializes in creating whole bikes, carbon bike frames, carbon bike wheels, etc. entirely made from carbon fiber. Unlike traditional bike frames that use carbon fiber in certain parts of the frame, Trifox Bike's design incorporates carbon fiber into every component of the bike. This results in a bike that is not only lighter but also stronger and more responsive than traditional bikes.The use of carbon fiber in cycling has been a game-changer since its introduction, as it significantly reduces the weight of the bike while also increasing its strength. Trifox Bike takes this technology to the next level by creating a whole bike, bike frame, bike wheel, etc. out of carbon fiber. This innovative design allows for a much greater degree of customization, as every aspect of the bike can be tailored to the rider's needs.One of the most significant advantages of the Carbon Bike Frame SDY20 is its weight. The bike's lightweight construction makes it much easier to handle, accelerating faster and climbing hills with less effort. The carbon fiber also provides an incredibly responsive ride, allowing for maximum power transfer and precise handling.Another benefit of the Carbon Bike Frame SDY20 is its durability. Carbon fiber is known for its strength, and SDY20's design ensures that every component of the bike frame is built to last. This means that the bike can withstand even the toughest terrain, giving riders the confidence to push themselves to new limits.In addition to its technical advantages, SDY20's design is also aesthetically stunning. The carbon fiber gives the bike a sleek and modern look, which is sure to turn heads on any ride.Overall, Carbon MTB Frame SDY20 is a groundbreaking advancement in cycling technology. Its innovative design sets a new standard for lightweight, strong, and responsive bikes, providing a whole new level of customization and performance for riders. If you're looking for the ultimate cycling experience, then Ultra Light 29er Carbon Hardtail MTB Frame SDY20 is the way to go.